Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Comenius visit in Oviedo - Spain

Hello everyone!
If you click on this link you'll watch a video our spanish friends took during the Comenius visit last week.
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome and for the perfect organisation!
Comenius visit in Spain

Friday, May 18, 2012


As the Comenius Week in Oviedo is about to begin, I would like to send our Spanish friends our very best wishes and greetings. I'm sure the week will be a great success. All the best to all of you!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mondavio castle tour - Year 5 - Morelli School, Ravenna - Italy

Dear all,
two Sundays ago we had a tour in Mondavio, a small village up on a hill, not so far from Ravenna.
We went there with  parents who organised the tour and  children in Year 5, Morelli school.
We visited a wonderful castle and we had a painting lab.
We had really great fun!
Here you can see some pictures Tommaso's dad took during the visit.