Friday, December 21, 2012

Nollaig chridheil aqus Bliadhna Mhath Ur !!

Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice anno nuovo !!

Feliz navidad y prõspero  anõ nuevo!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Daily and weekly routine

Hello friends!
We are inviting you to answer  our   posts  on the blog.
This is a project about our daily and weekly routine.
Can you answer our questions back,please?
What  time to do go to school Scottish friends?(I go to school at twenty past eight .)chiara
Hello friends!
This is a project about our daily and weekly routine.
Can you answer our questions back ,please?
What time do you get up Spanish friends?
I get up at seven o ' clock. ( Marta )
I get up at half past seven ( Luca ).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

all about me

My name is Riccardo
i'm ten years old
i'm from Ravenna
i like english, maths and history
my fevourite subject is history.
I have straight brown hair and green eyes and in summer time i have freckles.
I have breakfast at seven o'clock
i have lunch at one o'clock
i have dinner at eight o'clock.
We invite you to answer us back and we hope to recive many messages from you!
Riccardo Petullà



Hi, I'm Mattia.
I'm ten and I live in Ravenna, Italy.
I'm Camerani classe 2.0, year 5.
I've got short brown hair and brown eyes. I haven't got freckles, but I have got glasses .
I'm a only child.
I love pasta with tuna and pizza.
I like Maths, History and Music.I don't like Geography or Art, but I love English. It is my favourite subject.
Bye for now,

In this post we want to hall you about me.
We are Camerani class 2.0, Year 5.
We live in Ravenna, Italy.
We are nine- ten years old.
We invite you to answer as back and we hope to receive many messages from you!! 

                    All about me:
My name is Alessandro.
This is my family!
I've got a mum, a dad and a sister. Their names are Beatrice, Antonio and Michelle.  
I've got short, blond hair, I've got brown eyes.
I haven't got glasses or freckles.



In this post want to tell a about me.
I am Luca and I am ten years old.
I live in Ravenna, Italy.
I have got blond and curly hair and brown eyes.
bye Luca

Friday, October 19, 2012

All about me

In this post we want to tell you about us.
We are Camerani class 2.0, Year 5.
 We live in Ravenna, Italy .
We are nine-ten years old.
We invite you to answer us back and we hope to recieve many messages from you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Summer Castle Chronicle

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all fine after the summer holidays and ready to start our final year of the Castle Project.
During the summer, our Polish students travelled a lot with their parents and visited a lot of castles, too.On our school website we made a Summer Castle Chronicle, where those who wanted could put their castle photos. We'd like to share this gallery with you.
If you want to see our summer castles, click here:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"What's next!" game on legends and stories

Dear all,
in our schools we had a competition about legends and stories to learn and tell by heart.
These are the children who won, class by class. Congratulations to them all!!
Year 3 A & B Morelli school:
Michela M, Eva A, Filippo A, Jacopo C, Margherita V, Anna e Giulia D.
Year 4 Morelli & Camerani school:
Cristiano S, Amedeo F, Ludovico P, Matilda U, Francesco R ( you can see him in the photo), Alice C, Giorgia G, Angelo S
Year 5 Morelli & Camerani school:
Giulia G, Marco R, Matteo M, Francesco C, Giorgio G, Matteo B, Michele G, Anna F, Marco G, Leonardo B, Federico C
Well done!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Comenius visit in Oviedo - Spain

Hello everyone!
If you click on this link you'll watch a video our spanish friends took during the Comenius visit last week.
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome and for the perfect organisation!
Comenius visit in Spain

Friday, May 18, 2012


As the Comenius Week in Oviedo is about to begin, I would like to send our Spanish friends our very best wishes and greetings. I'm sure the week will be a great success. All the best to all of you!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mondavio castle tour - Year 5 - Morelli School, Ravenna - Italy

Dear all,
two Sundays ago we had a tour in Mondavio, a small village up on a hill, not so far from Ravenna.
We went there with  parents who organised the tour and  children in Year 5, Morelli school.
We visited a wonderful castle and we had a painting lab.
We had really great fun!
Here you can see some pictures Tommaso's dad took during the visit.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter!

Dear all,
I wish you a sunny and peaceful Easter!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Comenius Castles Exhibition - Ravenna

Hi there!

Let's visit these links to watch a video and a picture about our project. It was great. Thanks everyone!

Ravenna News

Ravenna Web TV

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I am happy to announce the Castles Project Logo.
I was made by a student from Spain.
We will be happy to hear from the author,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Get ready for LogoVision - 22/02/2012

Here is what the LogoVision website looks like.

Now, just to confirm some details about Wednesday, February 22:
1. First, check the LogoVision website at:
2. Try to be ready at 11.30 (Katowice, Ravenna, Oviedo); 10.30 (Glasgow); 12.30 (Kusadasi),
3. send me, as soon as possible, your Skype names - I have two: Chiara's and Nancy's so far.
4. decide how many points you give to each of the pictures (excluding your own school's) - points range from 1 to 20.
5. prepare the presentation of your votes in the following way:
Italy picture one: ......... points;
Italy picture two: ......... points;
Italy picture three: ........ points;
Italy picture four: .......... points;
Italy picture five: ...........points;
Poland picture one: .......... point;
Poland picture two: .......... points, and so on.

We will have the voting website administrator's rights and will be typing in all your votes. After each country has finished you can press the refresh button and the results will be updated - also, the country with the winning (so far) logo will be moving to the front.
Any questions?


All kids in the Polish school had a great time during the castle carnival balls. The older grades celebrated at school and the younger ones went to party in a medieval inn next to the Castle of Chudów. More photos soon on the project website.

Polish kids also voted for the logo

Monday, February 6, 2012

U-Knighted by Knowledge 1st Edition

We are happy to announce that the winners of the 1st Edition of our U-Knighted by Knowledge Internet Tournament ...
... are ...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

Thursday, February 2, 2012

LogoVision 2012

LogoVision 2012
As all the logo projects have been submitted, it is time for us to get ready for the 2012 LogoVision event.
Here are the steps you need to take:
1. Have a closer look at all the logo projects taking part in the International stage of the competition,
2. Print out the logos making sure you use colour printer so that they are all good quality!
3. Make an exhibition at school - display all the projects, but attach numbers only to the ones created in partner schools - you will not be voting for your school's logos this time,
4. Make sure all students have a chance to see the logos,
5. Organize a school voting event - each student and teacher has the right to vote for one project
6. Collect all the votes and count them very carefully,
7. Make a list of how many votes each of the logos received,
8. Calculate your school's voting results according to the rule: the winning logo gets 20 points, then the next one 19 and so on - the last project gets 1.
9. Prepare a team of students to present the results during our online ceremony.
10. HAVE FUN with all this!
Now, here are the logo projects from all partner schools: