Thursday, March 1, 2012

Comenius Castles Exhibition - Ravenna

Hi there!

Let's visit these links to watch a video and a picture about our project. It was great. Thanks everyone!

Ravenna News

Ravenna Web TV


  1. I'm happy because I met some teachers of the project "Comenius". They have answered many questions from us kids, with sympathy and joy

  2. Hello!!
    I am very happy for the "Comenius Castles project"!!!

  3. Hi!I am Matilde from Morelli school ,Ravenna ,Italy.
    I will visit the exhibition about castles ,I think it will be terrific.I am happy because Iinterviewed foreign teachear's .

    I LOVE CASTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I visited Comenius Castles Exhibition and I love it because the Castles are very beautiful!

    Tommaso Saccomandi from Morelli School Ravenna-Italy

  5. Hi! I am Alice from Morelli school, Ravenna, Italy.
    I really enjoyed the ballet medieval and it was a nice experience because I met the teachers from other states.

  6. HELLO !!!!!!!! i am Arianna from Morelli school , Ravenna , Italy.
    I am very happy because a interview the foreign teachers and I visited the castles exhibition.
    IT IS VERY TERRIFIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hello!
      I'm CARLOTTA from Morelli school.
      Today I have see at Morelli and Torre schools,the Comenius Castles exhibition is very spectacular!!!!!!!!!
      <3 BYE FOR NOW <3


  7. Hi!
    I'm Paola from Morelli school.
    This castles exhibition is wonderful and I took part of the interview and the open cerimony.
    I ENJOIYED IT A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thank you so much chiara for all)
    :-)bye for now(-:

  8. On the 28th of February the teacher of Camerani school , Torre school , Morelli school and the partner of Comenius Castles Progect opend the art esibixion in the Torre school . I am very ,very happy beccause I was part of the interview with Paola , Anna D and me . I am exited and interesting . :):):):):):)::):):):):):):) See you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hello!!!
    I' m GIULIA from Morelli School
    I like the exhibition castle of Torre school.It is terrific.
    Bye bye from Giulia.R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hi!
    I'm FRANCESCA from Morelli School
    The exhibition is wonderful!
    bye bye

  11. Hello! We are Matilde and Arianna from MORELLI school,Ravenna .
    The castles and exhibition are TERRIFIC. :) :) :) :) :):):):)

  12. Hi! I'm Andrea , Morelli school. The castles and exhbitions are beautiful. I enjoy myself even if i don't like dance.

  13. Hello! My name is Tommaso Gualtieri from school Morelli in Ravenna.I am very happy to meet teachers from different countries visit Italy for cultural exchange! It was a beautiful experience.

  14. Hi,I am Marta from 5B Morelli school Ravenna Italy.
    I think the exhibition is terrific,interesting and I am looking for ward to visiting it.
    This Project is a good occasion for cultural exchanges. It will be a beatiful experience!!!!!!!:)

  15. good evening, my name is Ilario and my school is Morelli of Ravenna.
    I think this project is very interesting, we listened and seed a lot of material about the castles with the italian and english teachers, i liked to build the castle with my parents

  16. Good evening, I am Ilario and my school is Morelli of ravenna.This project is very interesting, we listened and seed a lot of material about the castles with italian and english teachers.
    the more beautiful thing was the building of a castle with my parents

  17. I am very happy because I has a cultural exchange with foreign teachers

  18. Hello!!! my name is Anna Vernocchi, Morelli school Ravenna Italy.
    I am very happy for the Comenius because it's a beautifull experience!! <3 :-D
    The exhibitions are very nice. :-)

  19. Hello, I'm Giulia F from Morelli school 5B.
    The show at Don Minzoni school was very beautiful and I'm eager to see the castles exhibition. Thanks to the teachers for the interesting experience!!!
    BYE :-))))

  20. Hi! I'm Angelo (Morelii School - Ravenna).
    I think castles are beautiful and interesting.
    I'm very happy to receive information on ancient swords and coins.

  21. Hello! I'm Matteo Amici.I'm very happy for this experience. The show at Don Minzoni school was funny!! Thank you teacher Chiara!!
    Bye Matteo (5b Morelli school).

  22. Hello!! I'm Anna De Carlonis,Morelli school.I love "Comenius Castle" because is vary happy and beautiful.
    I'm vary happi for the video and the interview.
    Bye, Bye Chiara!!!!!!!!!!! Anna De Carlonis.

  23. hello!!!!!!!!!!!!I'am Matilde Mingozzi,Morelli school.I love video and interview.I am very happi because Ithink exhibition is terrific!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bje, bje Chiara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maty

  24. Hello I'm Clarissa (Morelli School 4B)
    I spent a very good holiday.

    Happy new 2013!!!

  25. My Name is Federico C.(Morelli School 4A)
    I'm nine years old
    I'm from Ravenna
    My fevorite is english
    J'have got short hair
    Bye Bye
